For each lesson, below are the assignments to do ahead of time. The links will provide you materials to watch and read in preparation for the next class.
2. Abraham – God Calls His Family to Follow Him (Genesis 12)
Watch: Torah Ep. 1 – Genesis 1-11 (Bible Project)
Watch: Torah Ep. 2 – Genesis 12-50 (Bible Project)
Read Scripture: Genesis 12
Read Excerpt: Brueggemann, “Genesis” p.121-125
Ponder: Think about how we experience moving from place to place, for instance, the first time moving away from home, first time moving into a new job, first time visiting a foreign country. What challenges do you face? What helpful experiences does this also bring your way to help you grow and mature? How does this help us understand the challenges Abraham faced on his new journey into a strange land? Why did Abraham build altars as he traveled? How did this teach him the pilgrim journey of faith in God’s promises?